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Walking and Mental Health

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Walking is no doubt a strong exercise tool for physical health to any age group and sex. Many of the people are unaware that it is a strongest tool for having a good mental well being and over all development of an individual in the society.

It helps in improving self perception, mood, self esteem and good sleep. People who walk has 30% less risk of going into depression. In older people it helps in improving cognitive function, memory and reduces risk of dementia.  The Lancet Psychiatry journal has found that just walking can improve your mental health.

Greatest mental health benefits were found in people who have worked for at least 45 min in a day for 3 to 5 days in a week. Walk regularly and you can see the difference made to your mind, body, work place and social life. Walking in a group can help you to start and motivated.

Download app of sambav health wallet to stay fit.  Log on to www.sambav.com