Health Benefits of Drinking Water

- Health & Fitness

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

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It is hardly unknown that water happens to be one of the essential constituents of a balanced diet. Drinking water is of paramount significance. As one of the vital nutrients, it has a diverse array of roles to offer. Like having a scheduled dietary regimen, it is necessary to have a planned-out regimen guiding the regular intake of water.

Water lubricates and flushes wastes and toxins from all cells, cleanses the internal organs and helps to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream

Some amazing facts about water are as follows:

• 75% of humans are chronically dehydrated
• Thirst mechanism is frequently mistaken for hunger
• One glass of water stops hunger pangs for 98%
• The significant trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water
• Research indicates that 8–10 glasses of water a day could significantly reduce back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers
• A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger hazy short-term memory and concentration
• Drinking refreshing and clean water plays an influential role in reducing the risk of many chronic diseases
• Water carriers every nutrient, mineral, vitamin, protein, hormone, and chemical messenger in your body to its destination.
• Water lubricates and flushes wastes and toxins from all cells, cleanses the internal organs and helps to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream
• Water regulates metabolism
• The overall water content in an average adult human body is 72%
• Water content in Brain & Heart is 73%
• Water content in Lungs is 83%
• Water content in Skin is 64%
• Water content in Kidneys is 83%
• Water content in Muscles is 75%

Health Benefits of Drinking Water

Sambav aims to make healthy living a habit for everyone, everywhere so remember the thumb rule that a healthy adult should drink at least 8 ounce glass of water, 8 times per day to remain adequately hydrated.